Strip Lighting Art

Night fall time in winter, with sunset glow, enjoying the cozy warmth from the stove fire, talking closely with an old friend. While the tender lighting from the strip, is there to light up the friendship from deepest heart.
It is an amazing swimming pool. The application of led strip makes a simple pool become an awesome piece of art.
A street at night, the tender warm lighting from surrounding of parterre, let these late men slow their feet, relaxing their mind from one day¡¯stiresome work, enjoying the gentle quiet.
An garden gazebo, one relaxing occasion. The flexibility in the use of led strip makes the whole circumstance warmer and more romantic.
Want to have an exciting party with friends. Here is a different place. The colorful lighting immerse you an orgiastic world, forgetting all annoyance and go back to the childlike happiness like kids.
Walking on a blue gallery road with your lover, enjoying sweet of love, longing for wonderful future. Let the time stop here.

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